Yoga Nidra, a Sanskrit term meaning “yogic sleep” is a deep relaxation technique and a form of meditation. It is considered to be the most healing type of meditation. This is because in yoga Nidra you go into a state between sleeping and waking. Your body is completely relaxed as you turn your awareness inward and as you focus your complete attention on the voice of the instructor. The practice of yoga Nidra involves pratyahara (“withdrawal of the senses”).
Yoga Nidra was practiced by ancient sages so they could consciously observe their samskaras, or the “impressions of the mind”. Through observation, the sages were able to observe their samskaras in order to come closer to moksha, which is freedom from the cycle of reincarnation. When one attains “moksha” he/she has attained freedom from all human suffering, and enters into a state of eternal bliss.
The practice of yoga Nidra not only involves pratyahara, but also requires pranayama (breathing techniques) and dharana (concentration).
While Nidra does mean “sleep,” it is actually a process of awakening to your true nature. You are aware and awake, but you experience a disidentification from the body and mind. In this way, the confusion between Prakriti (female energy) and Purusha (male energy) dissolves, and you come to rest in the peace, wisdom, and love of your true nature.
During the practice of yoga Nidra, you enter the alpha state and your focus shifts to the third eye chakra. Attention to this area stimulates the energy there, and helps balance the hormones which release melatonin- a hormone that reduces stress, boosts the immune system and helps prevent illness.
Studies have shown that 45 minutes of Yoga Nidra practice is comparable to 2-4 hours of sleep. Yoga nidra offers other amazing health benefits, as well.
It is known to:
- Calm the mind
- Relax and rejuvenate the body • Soothe the nervous system
- Reduce fatigue
- Lower high cholesterol and blood pressure levels
- Strengthen immunity
- Improve quality of sleep
- Alleviate depression• Reduce pain
- Boost concentration level
- Support brain function and boost creativity
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Below is suggested monetary value of time.
- 45min – $30
- 60min – $45